Blue TV Eyes
This is a work in progress, please stay tuned for updates!
Part of the opening animation for BTVE, we see the family hypnotized by the TV’s glow while the cat takes us into the story. Follow the blinking yellow lights…
Broken Bulb
This events kicks the story into action, sending our protagonist off into the evening air. Here we use motion graphics to show complex actions like a lightbulb smashing when a moth completes the circuit.
Flashlight Friends
Following a blinking light in the woods, our heroine finds two allies dancing in the dark. This in uncut and not the final animation for this scene.
In the garden (test)
This shows the rich multi-layered world of the garden. The final cut will have flowers dancing I time to the music.
Satellite Smash
This flips the switch, cutting the signal to everyone’s TV sets and inspiring them to head outdoors.